Sunday, March 27, 2011

OMG Bawl Fest (Army Wives, so spoiler alert)

 I just watched tonight's episode of Army Wives and talk about a bawl fest. I am literally sick to my stomach. I just feel like throwing up. I feel like I just experienced so many emotions that I never knew I had. And I know some of you are saying, "Gosh, it is JUST a TV show!"

Yes, it is just a TV show, but it just made every military wife and mother face their worst fear imaginable. I know our husbands signed up for this job and we knew all the risks. But, that is a risk that we push out of our heads. We don't think about those things, we can't. We can't let ourselves go there, but tonight we were forced to.

I only have daughters, but I am a mother. I can not fathom that pain of burying a child. The pain of knowing someone killed my baby. It just makes me sick thinking about it. I just can't even go there.

This episode was more than that though. We saw a military funeral. That is something that is hard to even visually see. The flag. Taps. 21 Gun salute. It is all things that we pray we never ever have to sit through. Knowing that because of who we are, military wives, that we could be sitting in that spot at anytime is just too much. 

Like I said we can't let ourselves go there

I am going to go cuddle with my Ry tonight. Soak in every last drop of him because I can. And pray the prayer of every military wife out there 

Oh Lord, Please protect my husband from his enemies,
Keep him safe always,
Give me courage and peace while he is away,
And time to enjoy him while he is home


  1. i totally felt the same way..its just a TV show but this really happens to people and thats what really upset me. Thousands of people have been in their shoes and I cant imagine the pain

  2. I agree with you...the "just don't go there" approach works well for me. :)


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